miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


I’d like to talk about a new event that has ocurred in my life. I recently have a three years old Little brother named Salvador and a Little one year old sister named Lena. This was a huge event for me cause I’ve always been one and only child. My mom and dad had me when they were 20 years old and as they were very Young their relashionship didn’t last long and they broke up. I’ve been only child all my life and suddenly my parents had by separated two new beautiful  kids and now Iim “the older sister” and it’s an amazing feeling that I really never tought that I could experiment. And also it’s great to have a sister and a brother cause I get to experiment both sides of getting old in their differents ways with different interesests. It’s also a Little hard  having time for both of them, for playing and sharing cause I’m in an age in wich I want to do  a lot of stuff and using my time  deeply. But I  want to be there for them always and I dream about the day when they are bigger and we can talk about their stuff and laugh and share experiences and I   also hope that they can learn a lot from me.

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